A fascinating look at using EFT tapping on your pet


  1. The Science Behind EFT Tapping for Pets
  2. Examples of EFT Tapping Use Cases for Dogs and Cats
  3. How to Implement EFT Tapping with Your Pet
  4. Tapping for pets FAQ

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping, widely recognised for its benefits in humans, is also proving to be an effective method for improving emotional and physical well-being in pets. 

I’ve always had a major soft spot for animals. Anyone who’s hung out with me in person knows that I can’t control myself around dogs haha. So it seems fitting to explore how we might be able to support our beloved furry friends.

Let's explore how EFT tapping works for our animal companions, look into any scientific insights in the field, and understand how you can implement this technique yourself.

The Science Behind EFT Tapping for Pets

Quick recap. EFT tapping, a psychological acupressure technique, involves tapping specific points on the body to reduce emotional and physical distress. I’ve written a far more detailed description of tapping and how it works here: Discover how the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can unlock greater self-love and fast-track your relationship success. 

For humans, studies have shown its effectiveness in lowering cortisol levels and reducing symptoms of psychological stress disorders. It’s been tried and tested on a wide range of use cases. I love it!

Why not apply tapping to pets then right? 

While direct studies on pets are limited, similar physiological responses can be observed in animals due to their analogous autonomic nervous systems.

When applying the emotional freedom technique to pets, we notice reduced anxiety behaviors and a noticeable relaxation response. It’s particularly evident in animals with trauma backgrounds or those sensitive to environmental stressors (for example loud noises, like fireworks).

As I was researching for this blog, I came across this heart-warming story of a dog named Ali. You can read the full story here: https://eftinternational.org/alis-story/ .

You’ll notice a technique called Surrogate Tapping being used here, which follows a similar too process to what I explain here, except that a person is tapping on behalf of the pet rather than directly on them.

Examples of EFT Tapping Use Cases for Dogs and Cats

For Dogs with Noise Phobias

EFT can be particularly effective for dogs that are fearful of loud noises like fireworks or thunderstorms. Tapping before and during these events can be a massive help in reducing their stress and anxiety. 

You can use phrases like: “You are safe”, “We are safe together”, “[noise] is not going to hurt you”...

Imagine you’re trying to comfort a young child, keeping the language simple and to the point. Focus on the pictures in your mind and emotional aspects of the situation - that’s what your pet will respond to. 


For Cats with Separation Anxiety

Cats that display signs of distress when left alone may benefit from EFT. Tapping can be used as part of a routine before leaving the house to help reduce their anxiety.

Once again, the intention is to help them feel safe and secure.

For Aging Pets with Physical Pain

Older pets often deal with joint pain or stiffness. EFT tapping can help manage some of the discomfort associated with ageing, improving their quality of life.

Follow the guidance of your pet here, allowing them direct your tapping. Do they want to be reassured that they’re just as  loved and valued? That they’re safe with you? 

Sometimes the simple acknowledgement of the pain or physical sensation whilst tapping is enough to provide some relief.

How to Implement EFT Tapping with Your Pet

Implementing EFT tapping for your pet involves gentle tapping on specific meridian points, as shown in the image above, while maintaining a calming environment. 

Here’s how to get started with tapping:

1. Identify the Issue

Recognise signs of distress in your pet, such as anxiety, fear, or physical pain. You don’t have to know what’s causing the distress to start tapping. Simply acknowledge what you’re noticing in the current moment.

2. Create a Calming Environment

Set yourself up in as quiet, comfortable setting as possible to help your pet feel secure. It also helps you drop into a more meditative type state.

3. The Tapping Process

  • Start with Gentle Petting: Help your pet relax with some affectionate petting before starting. On a dog or cat, you would typically stroke them along their back, from the top of their head, to their tail.
    Note: If your pet has any sensitive areas or parts of their body they don’t like touched, work around those.
  • Tapping Points: Common points include the top of the head, between the eyes, side of the eyes, under the eyes, top of the nose, under the chin, and the chest. Use gentle taps. I like to use two fingers, but adapt this to the size of your pet.
  • Use Soothing Words: Speak calmly to your pet with phrases like "It’s okay" and "You’re safe." It’s all about compassion and coming from a place of love and respect. We’re not trying to tell them how to feel or behave.

4. Monitor Your Pet's Response

Adjust the session based on your pet's comfort level. If they resist, stop and try again later. Pets can have their off days and moments just like us humans. 

Don’t be deterred if your pet isn’t in a cooperative mood the first time your try tapping for them. I recommend looking for another opportunity when they’re relaxed and happy. 

For dogs, that might mean after a long walk, or after dinner - definitely don’t mess with food time (I’m with them on this one - no one messes with my food lol).

5. Maintain Consistency

Some pets might find relief after just a few rounds of tapping, which is fabulous! Other times, just as with people, regular sessions can help you go deeper and lead to long lasting results.

How many rounds a pet needs will depend on their responsiveness to the tapping, the type of situation you’re working on, and how much other stuff surfaces in the process. 

Again, it’s the same as when you’re tapping for yourself. I have witnessed clients go through the full emotional cycle, reaching total relief from the initial stressor, within 30 minutes. Other times, it’s taken us multiple sessions to get to the root of the concern and approach the situation from different angles. 

Each process is going to be unique to you/ your pet, perfect just as it is.

What to be mindful of when tapping

The key to tapping and sometimes hardest part, is trusting the process. I share this with my clients too, knowing that many of us tend to get stuck in our head and cling to facts for comfort.

Understanding the essence of how EFT tapping for works, whether for people or pets, is awesome, and it’s just the beginning.

I love how EFT master, Gwyneth Moss puts it:

Trust the tapping. The tapping does the work, not the talking.
Allow what comes even if it does not make sense to you.
Tap continuously and don’t be afraid to leave silences.

(EFT International | Gwyneth Moss)

Is tapping for your fur baby worth a shot?

So there you have it. I fully believe tapping for animals is a technique well worth adding to your tool-belt!

While there may not be heaps of research on tapping for animals yet, existing research and analogous findings from human studies provide a very promising foundation.

EFT tapping offers a non-invasive, gentle way for pet owners like you, or any caring animal lover, to assist your animals in managing anxiety, stress, and pain, fostering a deeper bond between you. So please, help spread the word!

Joan Ranquet is one of the amazing humans helping spread the love and power of EFT tapping for animals along with animal communication. Joan has been a TEDx speaker and even written a book “Emotional Freedom Technique for Animals and Their Humans". I’m excited to read it and learn from her approach to healing.

Do you have a favourite resource or tapping master? I would love to hear your thoughts and recommendations!

Tapping for pets FAQ

What is EFT tapping for pets?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) tapping for pets is a non-invasive method melding eastern and western insights into healing. 

Derived from human practice, tapping for pets, or any animal for that matter, involves lightly tapping on specific meridian points on a pet’s body to help alleviate emotional and physical issues.

How does EFT tapping help pets?

EFT tapping helps reduce anxiety, stress, and physical pain in pets by stimulating meridian points, which can help balance the pet's energy and lead to improved wellbeing.

Is EFT tapping safe for all pets?

EFT tapping is safe for most pets, but it's important to approach it gently, from a loving place, and observe your pet’s response. For sensitive or health-compromised animals, consult a vet before starting EFT.

Can EFT tapping be used for any pet?

EFT tapping can be applied to a variety of pets, including dogs, cats, and even horses. Keep in mind that the technique may need to be adjusted to the pet’s size, disposition, and specific issues.

What are some signs that my pet might need EFT tapping?

Signs that your pet might benefit from EFT tapping include noticeable anxiety, fearfulness, aggression, or symptoms of physical pain like limping or withdrawal from touch. 

There’s no harm in tapping though, so you could absolutely use it as a relaxation technique too.

How often should I perform EFT tapping on my pet?

The frequency of EFT sessions can vary based on the pet’s needs. Start with one session and notice the effect. Repeat as needed until you reach a desirable result, or when you want to give your pet a bit of relief and relaxation. 

Remember to always adjust based on how your pet responds to the tapping.


Disclaimer time: If you are considering EFT tapping for your pet and are unsure about the technique or their reaction, please consult a vet or animal behaviourist to keep you and your pet happy and healthy.

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